

Foreword by GWEC


Floating offshore wind is rapidly emerging as a significant global opportunity. After a decade of early stage commercial deployment and testing, pathfinder markets like South Korea and the United Kingdom are demonstrating that the technology is ready to deliver at scale, with a wealth of would-be developers keen to bring schemes forward, when the right policy frameworks are put in place.


After 30 years of growth, offshore wind is a mature technology. It’s deployment across the globe is now accelerating. Mature markets like China and Western Europe continue to scale, while the number of new markets is growing. However, all these markets have until recently been focused on fixed offshore wind.


If offshore wind is to support global action to decarbonise our power system, then we need to seize the opportunity to deploy offshore wind in deeper waters. For most countries around the world, the technical potential of fixed offshore wind is dwarfed by that of floating offshore wind.


GWEC’s forecast for floating offshore wind has grown increasingly bullish, rising from our 2020 forecast of 6.5GW by 2030 to 16.5GW in our 2021 forecast. This rapid shift is a reflection of the known project activity across the globe. But we also want to look at how to ensure that the opportunity in floating offshore wind is understood and embraced by countries new to offshore wind. To help us do this GWEC commissioned Aegir Insights to use their market knowledge to suggest a selection of five markets that right now look like the “chasing pack” behind floating offshore wind’s first movers. The reason to do this is twofold. First, it helps to shine a light on those countries with a fantastic floating offshore wind resource, and encourages them to focus policy and effort to kickstart these markets.

GWEC的浮动预测海上风电增长日益看涨,从2020年预测2030年达到6.5GW2021预测为16.5GW。这种快速转变反映了已知的项目活动地球但我们也想看看确保了解海上浮风受到各国的欢迎海上风电新产品。来帮助我们是否委托GWECAegir Insights利用其市场建议选择的知识目前看起来像漂浮背后的“追逐包”海上风电的先行者。这样做的原因有两个。首先,它有助于照亮那些拥有海上浮式风力资源,鼓励他们集中精力启动这些项目的政策和努力市场。

Second, this report and the work behind it can help governments and industry to better understand what market fundamentals need to be in place to support growth of floating offshore wind. Our work shines a light on the chasing pack, because this also opens up a wider understanding for governments and industry about common factors to look for if floating offshore wind is to grow successfully.


GWEC has been active for a number of years supporting growth of onshore and offshore wind in many different countries. We have been at the forefront of work to grow new offshore wind markets, helping bring industry and governments together in new markets such as Vietnam and Japan. We have worked alongside the World Bank to study potential in new markets, and are active supporting offshore wind around the globe.


As more governments look at floating offshore wind, GWEC will also be active, helping them understand policy and regulatory requirements for successful market growth. This creates a win-win in offshore wind. First, an effective market delivers lower cost offshore wind projects and benefits local consumers. Second, it helps build confidence which can help embed and grow local supply chain capability.


With floating offshore wind now ready to scale, we have the opportunity to grow offshore wind in many more markets. We can also couple existing maritime and petrochemical expertise in these markets and help to transition this into low carbon technology like floating offshore wind.


Foreword by Shell


Society faces a dual challenge: how to transition to a low-carbon energy future while also extending the benefits of energy to everyone on the planet.This transition is underway. It will move at different paces and produce different outcomes in different countries depending on local factors such as available natural resources and weather patterns, national policies that address climate change and local air quality, economic growth and which technologies and products companies and consumers choose.


Increasing use of renewable sources of energy is essential to reducing emissions but they chiefly produce electricity which today meets just under 20% of total energy for end use. This needs to change.To accelerate the change, governments need to introduce long-term policies that reshape the main parts of the economy as well as enable the development of lowercarbon and renewable sources of energy supported by emerging technologies.


One of these is floating offshore wind. While fixed-bottom wind projects currently dominate offshore generation, close to 80% of the world’s offshore wind resource potential is in areas where the water depth is greater than 60 metres. This presents a huge opportunity and one that, as a society, we cannot miss.To date, the industry has been able to provide prototypes and pilot farms successfully demonstrating the technology and now the scene is set for the development of large-scale floating wind projects. Countries like South Korea and the United Kingdom are leading the way with large scale tenders enabling the development of lower cost generation.


Shell is committed to becoming a netzero emission energy company by 2050 or sooner, and we see a major role for floating offshore wind as part of this transition. Having already been part of the consortium behind the successful pilot project, Tetraspar, we now look forward to working on the development of larger scale projects in Europe, the Americas and Asia where we have a pipeline of over 8 GW.Shell have been working in offshore wind for over 20 years and as one of the pioneers of floating offshore wind were delighted to support GWEC in identifying some of the key barriers to growth for floating offshore development and how the next generation of countries can accelerate market growth through supporting policy and regulation.

壳牌致力于通过以下方式成为净零排放能源公司2050年或更早,我们看到海上风电作为一部分的作用这一转变。已经联合体的一部分成功的试点项目,Tetraspar,we现在期待着在大型项目的开发在欧洲、美洲和亚洲我们有超过8 GW。壳牌一直在海上工作20多年的风海上漂浮的先驱wind很乐意支持GWEC在确定浮动汇率增长的主要障碍离岸开发以及下一代国家可以通过以下方式加快市场增长支持政策和法规。

Executive Summary


To deliver net zero, the world faces a huge challenge. We must rapidly transition from high carbon energy sources to low carbon technologies such as wind power. Across the last thirty years we have seen the successful maturation of offshore wind. It is now recognised as a low cost, secure power source, able to underpin global action on decarbonisation. Offshore wind is a low cost, reliable technology. It delivers significant economic benefits through manufacturing and operation, and importantly can be deployed rapidly at scale. Our global population is clustered around coastal locations, so offshore wind also offers a route to opening up access to renewable energy for a global population.


For many countries however, bottomfixed is either not an option, or potential is limited. Deeper waters are the norm around most of our global coastline meaning that floating offshore wind is needed if these countries are to develop offshore wind. Already we are seeing the emergence of floating offshore wind markets in a number of countries, with France, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the UK all moving to grow floating offshore wind, with policy making underway to drive this growth. However, behind this first round of countries backing floating offshore wind, which will be the next set of countries we see blazing a floating offshore wind path? This question sits at the heart of this study and work commissioned from Aegir Insights.

然而,对于许多国家来说,底部固定不是一种选择,或者潜力有限。更深的水域是大多数全球海岸线意味着漂浮如果这些各国将在海外发展风我们已经看到了年海上风电市场的许多国家,包括法国,日本、韩国、台湾和英国都在向海上发展风,正在制定政策推动这一增长。然而,在这第一轮支持海上浮动的国家风,这将是下一组我们看到的国家海上风路?这个问题这项研究和工作的核心受Aegir Insights委托。

What is clear from this work is that to be a successful floating market, certain physical conditions need to be in place. Put simply, the wind needs to blow to make projects stack up commercially. That said, if a country has the right physical conditions, it still needs the right policies and regulations in place. Successful action to do this will mean countries leapfrogging others to deliver floating offshore wind, and potentially capturing the economic benefits that will come from being an early floating offshore wind adopter. This report has successfully identified five potential floating markets out of a longlist of 115. But in doing so it became clear that there are many markets with the right technical conditions in place to successfully deploy floating offshore wind. Using 7 parameters (see left) we assessed market readiness and potential, and identified a shortlist of 30 markets with the right conditions in place to evolve rapidly as successful floating offshore wind markets.


For these countries to become hubs of floating offshore wind activity depends however on one critical thing: policy ambition. Our assessment has highlighted that the biggest factor in identifying new breakout floating offshore wind markets is government action and leadership. Governments need to show ambition. Their actions can be the catalyst to kickstarting successful floating offshore wind deployment, which can bring economic advantage and rapid action in emissions reduction.












